Hannah Lezak, representative of SAAC, gave a report about upcoming athletic events, including Kayaking on the Hudson (September 26th beginning at 9am) and the Women's Volleyball Game at Pratt College (Sept. 24th at 7:30pm).
The SBP debriefed Fall Retreat, which had an official attendance of 430 people. He thanked all the House presidents for being actively involved in Fall Retreat.
The Director of Student Events gave her report about upcoming school-wide events. Next week, September 21st-25th, is International Week. Monday (Sept. 21st), there will be an International Food Fair in the City Room, where you can eat dishes from around the world for just $1. Tuesday (9/22) there will an International Talent Show in the City Room at 7:30pm. On Wednesday (9/23), you can wear whatever you want that's from a different country. On Thursday (9/24), there will be an international film will be screened in the Sloset at noon. On Friday (9/25), the International Students Club will lead a group to a foreign restaurant at 7pm.
The DoSE also announced that on Friday, September 25th, 400 free Chick-fil-A sandwiches will be given out during lunch. Homecoming week will start on September 28th with the start of TKC Assassins. Fall Picnic (Oct. 3rd) has a NEW location: Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Council Budget Dilemma
QE1 said that it was unfair of the Council to ask where the money should go without having more information about each House's budget and the budgets of the Student Organizations. Due to this lack of information that could be presented in the meeting, the budget discussion was tabled for next week.
House Future Committee
The SBP then opened the discussion for a committee dealing with the future of the House system. He stated that it's important to set up a more formal way to deal with the future of the House system for the next five, ten, fifteen years. This topic follows the discussion from two weeks ago where the Council touched on House financial independence. To make sure that Advancement is okay with the Houses being financially independent, some House presidents argued that the Houses must have a concrete system to ensure that the Houses can sustain themselves. Reagan stated that "the point of the House Future committee wouldn't be to get all '1776' on the school" but rather to help the Houses find their way to a stable and sustainable future. Reagan then tried to form the official Committee, but the Director of Spiritual Life told him that he needed a list of actual members for the committee to be presented and voted on. Reagan then called out those presidents whom he had previously talked to about this committee (Thatcher, QE1, Lewis) and asked them to be a part of the Committee. Truth objected and stated that all House presidents should be on this Committee. The DoSL then clarified that more committee members could be added in the future.
Before voting on the members, Reagan and Thatcher reiterated that the committee would eventually consist of all House presidents, staff, and faculty members, to get a more credible and official plan for the future of the Houses. The House Future Committee, consisting of QE1, ten Boom, Thatcher, Lewis, and Reagan, was then voted on and unanimously approved.
TKC Mascot
The only new business of the meeting was a talk about the TKC mascot. The SBP brought up a poll done two years ago asking the athletes whether they would want to keep the Lion as their mascot or switch it to the mascot used by King's in its Briarcliff Manor days, the Purple Knights. The 2013 poll revealed only 4 of the 50+ athletes at the time would keep the Lions, and the rest would change the mascot. The SBP and the Director of Communications explained that alumni of TKC who attended when it was in Upstate NY feel that the school has abandoned them by changing their mascot, and they no longer feel associated with King's. The SBP urged the House presidents to think about changing the mascot for athletics back to the Purple Knights while keeping all other King's-related logos and gear as the Lions. The SBP tabled the discussion for next week when Tyler Hinsley would be present to show data supporting a move back to the Purple Knights.
The meeting was then adjourned.